A deep longing wells up within the hearts of God’s people. We yearn to know Him more, to hear His voice clearly, and to walk in step with His Spirit through every season. As Jenny Hale Woldt explores beautifully in her journal The Quiet Place: A Prayer Journal & Walk Through the Holy Land, prayer and vibrant faith form the bedrock of a thriving relationship with God. Yet, in the busyness of everyday life, maintaining passion and consistency in our spiritual practices can easily fall by the wayside. How can we cultivate prayer habits and faith roots that fuel intimate communion with our Creator amidst the distractions of the modern world? As Woldt shares from her faith journey, the answers lie in prioritizing prayer, nourishing our faith daily, and persevering through seasons of spiritual dryness.
“Just as a deer pants for streams of water, so our innermost being cries out for the living God” (Psalm 42:1-2).
Only God can satisfy the hunger pangs and quench the thirst of our hearts. The invitation from Jesus beckons us, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Divine passion awaits all who continually come to Him for refreshment.
The Priority and Power of Prayer
As believers, prayer is our lifeline, oxygen, and the primary way we connect, commune, and build relationships with God. Yet, few spiritual disciplines find it challenging to maintain consistency. Why is that? The enemy knows believers who make prayer a lifestyle have uncommon power to advance God’s kingdom. Therefore, he attacks us in this area by stirring up busyness, distraction, doubt, fatigue, and anything else that would cause us to neglect meeting with Jesus in the secret place. But Scripture commands us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).
“When we crown prayer as the cornerstone of each day, we experience an outpouring of spiritual vitality and kingdom fruitfulness beyond what we can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20).
Even 10 minutes of intentional prayer makes a significant difference, but an hour enables us to quiet our souls, listen to God’s voice, gain much-needed perspective for challenges we face, and intercede strategically over people and situations by name.
Feeding Our Faith
Passionate, persistent prayer does not flow from us naturally. It emanates from a wellspring of vibrant faith within. But what practical steps can we take to nourish our faith daily in everyday life, work, family, and ministry?
King David gave us a clue: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).
By reading Scripture every morning, we embed God’s promises and perspective into the fabric of our beings. His word washes our minds, enlightens the eyes of our hearts, infuses His thoughts within us, and renews our strength (Ephesians 1:18, Psalm 19:8). Scripture reading plans guide us systematically through the Bible while studying topical passages reveals specific facets of God’s nature and character. Both nourish our roots of faith. Listening to audio Bible versions also equips us to feast on Scripture during commutes, chores, and workouts.
Another key faith builder involves connecting regularly with Christ in the community both digitally and in person. Hearing testimonies of mature believers who have persevered through trials reminds us of God’s faithfulness. Their contagious love for Jesus rekindles our passion and conviction that He is the only One worth living for. We also glean hard-earned wisdom and spiritual insights from those a few steps ahead on the journey of following Christ.
Perservering Through the Deserts
Every believer will inevitably face periods of spiritual dryness where prayer feels futile, and faith falls under attack. Sometimes, we initiate desert seasons through willful disobedience or neglect of our relationship with God. Other times, the enemy schemes to undermine our passion and effectiveness by stirring discontentment, discouragement, or burnout. But desert dwellers dwell not forever. This wilderness lies between where we are and where God wants to take us – the threshold before the breakthrough.
When we face spiritual droughts where prayer feels fruitless and faith wavers, Jenny Hale Woldt urges us not to lose hope or give up the fight.
During desert times, recall specific ways God proved Himself faithful in previous trials. Take communion to remember the sacrificial lengths He went to save and redeem you. Talk a walk outdoors and observe the beauty He infused into creation, from soaring birds to lilies wafting in the breeze. Most importantly, fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2-3). He endured the ultimate desert experience – the cross – on our behalf so that we could share in His resurrection life. Engage in spiritual warfare by quoting Scripture that counters the lies and accuses you relentlessly. No matter how long the drought persists, refuse to give up. God promises streams in the wasteland for the thirsty soul who seeks Him (Isaiah 35:6-7). Emerging from spiritual wilderness equips you to minister to other desert dwellers with empathy and courage. Your passion stirs them to grasp the lifeline of hope extended through your story of God’s faithfulness.
The Bottom Line
Intimacy with God, fueled by consistent prayer and resilient faith, makes everything else in life work better. As we yield to the cry of our thirsty souls and draw near to Him, He pours His Spirit continually upon us (Proverbs 1:23). Then His eternal passion flowing within transforms our existence so that whether eating or drinking or whatever we do, we do it all for God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). May we diligently nourish the roots of our faith daily so that our lives bloom with the vibrant beauty of loving Jesus passionately until He returns to take us home.
In The Quiet Place, Jenny Hale Woldt vulnerably opens up her journey of challenges, courageous faith, and life-changing encounters with God through prayer. She provides a roadmap to guide fellow travelers into deeper intimacy with Christ by outlining biblical best practices for prayer and nourishing faith. As we apply Woldt’s wisdom to pursue God through consistent spiritual habits passionately, we will discover the adventure, meaning, and overflowing joy He desires for each of our lives.
The Quiet Place by Jenny Hale Woldt is available in English and Spanish.